Monday, March 30, 2009

Who is Craft E Newsletters

What and who is Craft E Newsletters?? Craft E Newsletters is a sister site of The Speckled Goose. At Craft E Newsletters we create electronic newsletters for small businesses who don't have time. Electronic Newsletters are a great way to keep customers up to date with your business. We add graphics and pictures to your newsletters, along with all the current news and products at your store.

Check out our website to see samples of newsletters that we have created for our customers, and if you have any questions, please do not hestitate to ask.

Updated Blog

Well it is about I take the time to get this blog started and updated. My goal is to get small business info posted here weekly, including website info, marketing, and links to great info to help you keep your small business growing and moving forward.

If you have anything that you think would be of interest to small business owners, please send me the info and I'll pass it along.

I will also be updating and adding more resources to my website.